Sand Ceremony – Sand ceremony has a lot in common with the Unity Candle. It involves a symbolic blending of two different coloured sands into a single container. The blending of two different beings, the bride and groom into a single, inseparable unit that is their marriage. Hard as it would be to separate grains of sand, that’s how difficult it is to separate the couple.
Reverse Unity Candle – instead of the traditional unity candle ceremony. Pass out unlit candles to each adult guest, have the bride and groom light a single candle together and use that candle to light those of the bridal party who then start spreading the flame to the rest of the guests.
Hand Fasting – where couples bind their hands together with a ribbon to symbolize the joining of two lives is an old pagan tradition that many modern couples have adapted for their weddings
Requirements for a Marriage Licence
Both parties must be in the Bahamas at the time of application and have been a resident for 24 hours prior to the date of application.
If either party has been divorced, the original final decree or a court certified copy with a raised seal must be produced. For Europeans, the original decree or a court certified copy with a raised seal must be produced in the native language along with a translated certified or notarized copy in English.
If either party is widowed, an original or certified copy of the death certificate of the deceased spouse must be produced.
For parties who have never married, a declaration certifying this fact must be sworn before a Notary Public or other person authorized to administer oaths in the Bahamas and such declaration must accompany the Marriage Application.
For all Cruise Ship passengers applying for a marriage licence must obtain a letter from the Purser’s office stating that the ship has been in Bahamian waters for 24 hours prior to submitting application for a licence.
Both parties must produce a valid passport for identification and evidence of the date of arrival in the Bahamas, which is the immigration entry card.
Marriage Licence fee is $100. resul at the American Embassy for a fee, or a Bahamian Notary Public.
If either party is unmarriration certifying this fact must be sworn before a Notary Public or other person authorized to administer